Issue Number 44
Onsite Search
Amazon & Walmart Invest in This Search Strategy
A customer’s buying journey can start at different places but one of the least optimized portions of the buying journey tends to be the on-site search box. While all eCommerce sites provide basic type ahead predictive results what relatively few sites spend…
Issue Number 43
Content Myths
The Biggest Myths About Product Content for eCommerce
There is often a dividing line within Marketing departments when it comes to investing in content. Quite literally the content is the connecting point to the customer and the quality of this interaction relates directly to any site’s ability to attract, engage…
Issue Number 42
Content Testing & Return on Content Spend
What Vaccines Can Teach Us About Content Strategies
Testing vaccines requires using both a test and control group. The test group gets the real vaccine while the control group gets a placebo (some innocuous injection). When testing the impact of investing in a rich content presentation it’s important…
Issue Number 41
ROAS Solutions
Two Ways to Solve the ROAS Challenge
The year 2020 was a jolt to the eCommerce market and by all indications the result is significant growth in planned eCommerce expenditures and the future is likely to be more competition for pay-per-click advertising and no doubt a higher…
Issue Number 40
Content Strategies
What’s your content strategy?
It’s true that every site is a little different and no one content strategy is appropriate for every site, but eCommerce sites should always build a content strategy that accomplishes three equally important objectives: attract, engage and convert…
Issue Number 39
Conversion Rate
The Most Important eCommerce Success Metric
We work so hard to bring visitors to a site but sadly for eCommerce professionals, we don’t celebrate traffic, we celebrate orders. The relationship of orders or transactions to sessions and visits is the conversion rate. The best sites consistently…
Issue Number 38
Competitive Content
The Secret to Ranking First for Any Search Query
Google has been quite consistent over the years about what it takes to win the search optimization game. Yes, it’s important that your site adheres to the standards that Google values. Yes, there are things like “site speed” that are critical for…
Issue Number 37
Product Image Optimization
Yes, You Can Absolutely Afford Better Product Images
It’s not uncommon to see 6 to 8 product images on a product page even for products as mundane as socks. Producing original photography at scale, can be challenging, requiring an expensive process of bringing the product to the camera or the…